Year: 2016
Can sexual harassment among restaurant workers be stopped?
People don't just go out to eat -- they go out to be entertained. Restaurants increasingly are billed as places to cut loose and have a good time. Does that good time include sexually harassing the waitstaff? A lot of servers say that, unfortunately, it does. Worse,...
Your employer’s social media policy may not be legal
Do you know what your rights are when it comes to posting on social media about your job? Your employer may have a social media policy in place that makes it clear that you can't say anything negative about your company, boss or job. If so, that policy may be...
Fighting age bias in the tech industry
How old is too old to be relevant in today's tech job market? If the number of lawsuits alleging age discrimination in California are any indication, it doesn't take long before you "age out" of the market as far as high-tech employers are concerned. While the 90 or...
Age discrimination down, but continuing as workforce gets older
As people live longer, healthier lives, more remain in the workforce into their senior years. Many also continue working or seeking work because they're not in a financial position to retire. The experience and skills brought by older workers can be valuable to...
Wells Fargo now faces wrongful termination claims
Wells Fargo & Co. has had its share of troubles recently. Banking authorities are investigating illegal practices that employees were apparently instructed to follow, and the massive financial institution has already been issued millions of dollars in fines. Bank...
Pregnant women often face workplace discrimination
It is more common for pregnant women in California and beyond to work outside the home than in generations past. The federal government has dealt with workplace discrimination against pregnancy since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The original act did not include...
Sexual harassment is reportedly part of the job at national parks
The 413 national parks in the United States represent the great natural and historic wonders of the country. Millions of people visit them every year and experience unique attractions that are preserved and protected with pride. However, in California's Yosemite and...
Dealing with a wrongful termination
Losing a job can be a devastating blow. With it may come shock and disbelief, followed by embarrassment or even anger. However, if a worker in California feels he or she is the victim of wrongful termination, that person may decide to take legal steps against the...
Female pilots experience workplace discrimination as mothers
In 1973, the first female pilot was hired by a major commercial airline in the United States. Before that time, men flew the planes, and women were flight attendants. While women in California and across the country have been making strides against workplace...
Fox News sexual harassment claim opens door for more victims
There are many reasons why people do not always come forward after being harassed at work, but the most common reason may be that they fear losing their jobs. Sexual harassment is likely to be an even more frequent occurrence than people in California realize since so...