Month: January 2019
Handling a wrongful demotion at work
For many people, a demotion at work is worse than being fired -- especially if you know it's unfair -- or outright illegal. The frustration of knowing that you're being treated unjustly can combine with the embarrassment of having to go back into work every day with...
California senate pays $350,000 discrimination claim
A former employee of the California Senate won a discrimination suit against her former employer for failing to accommodate her needs and retaliating against her for requesting accommodations. The Senate was ordered to pay the former employee $350,000 -- a figure...
Were you fired or wrongfully terminated? What’s the difference?
Absent a clear violation of your contract, what's the difference between being unfairly fired and a wrongful termination? Neither are pleasant experiences, to be certain. Being unfairly let go from your position can happen for a number of reasons -- whether the boss...