San Francisco Age Discrimination Attorney

At the Nelson Law Group, I represent employers and employees in age discrimination suits. Having represented both sides, I understand the other side’s perspective and can work to diligently prepare your case, regardless of whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant. As a San Francisco age discrimination lawyer, I will help you explore every legal avenue to resolve your employment issues. Contact my law firm online to discuss your case in a free and confidential phone consultation.

What Is Age Discrimination?

In California, it is unlawful to discriminate against an employee because of his or her age. Under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), employees over the age of 40 are protected from having an adverse action taken against them due to their age. Adverse actions can include termination, demotion, failure to promote or otherwise being treated differently from younger employees.

Example: A 60-year-old employee has worked at a company for 30 years. When the company needs to lay off workers to cut costs, the manager tells the employee that he needs to let him go because he is too expensive. The manager plans to keep younger workers, with lower pay and fewer benefits, instead of keeping the experienced, older worker. This employee may have a claim for age discrimination against his employer.

Free Consultation With a Bay Area Wrongful Discharge Lawyer

If you think you are a victim of age discrimination at work, I offer a free case evaluation by telephone. Call 415-689-6590 (866-290-0424 toll free) or contact me, a San Francisco wrongful discharge attorney, online to talk about your case.